Tuesday, July 3, 2012

We Arrived at Yorktown

We arrived at Yorktown at 6:00 pm today, after 124 miles of cycling. It was great to be done. Our family met us at the Yorktown Victory Momument, which was built as a momument to the American Revolutionary War, when the American and French forces fought off the British. What a great place to end. Susan made a banned for us to cycle through to end the journey. We had champagne and dinner to celebrate.

Connor are I were completely covered in sweat head to toe, as it hit 100 degrees that day. Still fortunately not as bad as the day before when it was over 105 degrees.

Some sumary stats:  The trip overall was 3,563 miles, we followed Adventure Cycling for all but the last few hundred miles, charting a little more direct course.  We averaged 79 miles a day over 45 days, including rest days.  We raised a little under $7000 for WaterAid.

We are so happy to see our family again and be done! Thanks to everyone for their support. We raised almost $7000 for WaterAid, which we can all be very proud of.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, just spent a couiple of hours reading your blog in faraway York. You portray an arduous but relatively stress free trip...but maybe you are just the type of chap who takes it all in his stride! Thanks I enjoyed the ride. Tony
